Periodico registrato presso il Tribunale di Palermo al n.6 del 04 aprile 2012

Anno XIII - Num. 58 - 09 febbraio 2025

Anno II - Num. 13 - 27 settembre 2014 News dagli USA

Columbus Day 2014, always a success but many controversies

di Vilma Maria Costa leggi in italiano

Columbus Day 2014 SEQUENZA

New York – As the annual Columbus Day was celebrated on October 12 and was as always a success For the first time in this year Dallas joined to the parade that, among some controversies, was held at the traditional home of the famous Fifth Avenue in New York.The parade pays tribute to the spirit of exploration and courage that inspired Christopher Columbus’s expedition in 1492, in addition to the important contributions of Italian-Americans in the United States.

For Italian Americans, the fact that Seattle (Washington), the City Council has voted to create a day of the natives, rather than recognize Columbus Day and, moreover, that this has voted Oct. 6, 2014, a few days the parade, to establish the recurrence, it was considered offensive.

At such a distance from the proven discovery of America by Columbus and from integration of our compatriots who love the New Continent and so they do to make it even better why this unnecessary overlap in dates?

Although these disappointments the Columbus Day Parade 2014 was a triumph, and many thanks go to Vincenzo Arcobelli and his team (Jay Lombardo, Massimo Scicali, Nick Musso, Sherman LaBarba) that keep alive our traditions and our culture in America.


Photo gallery

Columbus Day 2014 ARTICOLO 1

Attached: the Proclamation from the Mayor of the City of Dallas, the Resolution from the State of Texas and the Greetings and official recognition from the Governor of the State of Texas


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